Compare PDP’s ProScan to Predictive Index
Determine which assessment is right for your business’ people management needs.
ProScan Survey

Predictive Index
Both assessments are untimed and don’t have a limit, however these are the average completion times
The number of questions the behavioral assessment includes for the survey-taker to answer.
How an individual approaches tasks and accomplishes goals.

The amount of energy consumed to adapt to stress and pressure.

Is the person thriving with their perceived pressures or is it overwhelming?

How much fact vs. intuition does an individual rely on to make a decision?

Likert scales gauge response intensity on a range from least to most, mitigating bias and enhancing data quality.

A CFA is the gold standard in statistical evaluation of assessments and involves highly rigorous research.

Large sample size: 1500-2000 respondents for each of the three CFAs.

Small sample size of 250-350 respondents.
How much information does the assessment’s report share about the individual?
Education for the user role to ensure maximum results when administering, interpreting, and leveraging profile measurements

Verifies that the assessment doesn’t discriminate against protected classes.

Rewards or elements that increase satisfaction.
Often measured by Chronbach’s alpha, reliability refers to internal consistency and dependability.
The most important psychometric method of validating scales.

Does the system monitor whether the respondent is faking their way through the assessment questions?

Every individual in your company has strengths. Start discovering what they are so everyone can excel in their role! Your organization will reach new heights with greater retention, morale, performance, and leadership. Sign up for a demo to see how our proven people management system can enhance your workforce today.

But successful activity, no matter how intense ... provides you with the exhilarating feeling of youthful strength, even at a very advanced age. Work wears you out mainly through frustration of failure.
Hans Selye, MD BOOK: Stress Without Distress

Who Uses PDP?
Hundreds of client organizations in over 23 countries trust PDP to support their most important workforce initiatives.

Measures Employee Satisfaction
X Predictive Index
PI’s behavioral assessments capture information surrounding four primary traits of A (dominance), B (extraversion), C (patience), and D (formality). While they do ask for behavioral feedback in both a natural environment compared to how the individual feels they need to be, the sets of data remain separate. The information isn’t taken a step further to tell how satisfied the employee is between the two.
✓ PDP Global
Differences between an individual's innate trait inclinations and the expectations they feel compelled to meet can lead to stress. The employee may feel like they need to amplify a trait or, in the reverse, compress it to succeed in their environment. PDP Global measures the individual’s satisfaction level to know whether the adaptation is perceived as a net positive or negative based on how extreme it is. Low satisfaction is a valuable metric for managers as it signals an opportunity to identify and review employee motivators, potentially enhancing conditions and averting turnover.

Captures Energy Drain
X Predictive Index
Everyone starts out at a certain energy level each day, which then depletes as energy is used to perform daily tasks. PI assessments focus on personality traits without considering the individual's energy dynamics throughout the day. As a result, PI assessments may overlook important indicators of potential burnout. Individuals assessed through PI may not receive insights into their capacity to handle daily demands and maintain optimal performance levels.
✓ PDP Global
PDP ProScan measures energy level and drain to determine whether someone is on the verge of burnout, leading to possible resignation, or has the energy required to fulfill the role’s demands. Energy greatly impacts an individual's overall well-being, productivity in the long run, and the ability to sustain performance over time. Someone who is expending too much energy feels exhausted at the end of the day, while others may feel no significant impact from the day’s obligations.

Uncovers Backup Styles
X Predictive Index
People react differently than how they normally would when they’re facing pressure and stress. PI behavioral assessments determine natural trait dispositions under comfortable conditions and how an individual feels like they need to be. However, PI does not predict a “backup style” of how someone acts when they run out of energy and patience or decide something is just not worth the effort.
✓ PDP Global
In addition to the behavioral trait data that PDP Global collects, ProScan includes information about an employee’s backup style. Backup styles reveal how an individual copes with adversity when they have no energy or patience left and offer valuable self-awareness. Employees can be mindful of the learned responses ProScan provides to develop for certain situations when they feel like they might respond when they’re not at their best.

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